Horus 2.0 Outstanding Contributors Incentive Program

Horus 2.0 Outstanding Contributors Incentive Program 

Dear community,

Throughout the testnet campaign, you can choose one or more activities to participate in and promote the NuLink testnet events as required. The event will last for one month and participation will be valid until February 1, 2024, and will run in sync with the various stages of the NuLink Horus 2.0 testnet. The specific rules and ways to participate are as follows:

1. Best Community Invitation Incentive:

  • Total Prize Pool: 15,000 NLK
  • Objective: Increase and engage users in the NuLink community and social media, encouraging more people to participate in and learn about the NuLink testnet events. This activity will reward the top 50 contributors.
  • How to Participate: Click the Telegram bot link and follow the instructions.

2. Best Social Media Promotion Incentive:

  • Total Prize Pool: 15,000 NLK
  • Objective: Expand the branding and reach of NuLink on Twitter, suitable for KOLs on Twitter. This activity will reward 30 outstanding contributors.
  • How to Participate: Copy and post the NuLink pinned tweet on your social media, and invite your friends to comment and retweet.
  • Form Submission: https://forms.gle/w8U8XfKmMfU7Pd6X8

3. Best Localization Community Management Incentive:

  • Total Prize Pool: 10,000 NLK
  • Objective: Promote the NuLink testnet events in Telegram and Discord communities, suitable for group owners and community alliances. 20 winners will be selected by their works.
  • How to Participate: Copy the NuLink Horus 2.0 event and promote it to your channel(Discord/telegram), if you owned the local community please translate it in your local language and send it to your community. Invite your friends to comment and discuss.
  • Form Submission: https://forms.gle/pDsN7Es6csx4PQj38

4. Best Tutorial Producer Incentive:

  • Total Prize Pool: 10,000 NLK
  • Objective: Promote the NuLink testnet events and operational tutorials on platforms such as YouTube and Medium, suitable for YouTubers, writers, and KOLs. This activity will produce 20 outstanding contributors.
  • How to Participate: Create tutorials for the NuLink testnet events and publish them on your community and media platforms.
  • Form Feedback: https://forms.gle/Jvp3QR4GMFgtCV276

Participants must meet these conditions to be eligible for rewards:

  • Must participate in activities according to the requirements.
  • If a form needs to be filled out, the corresponding information must be submitted before the deadline of each phase.

If you haven't participated in the Nulink Horus 2.0 testnet event yet, you can join the testnet event. More rewards are waiting for you to obtain in the event.

Join now:


Useful links:

Testnet Launch

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