NuLink Monthly Report 2023.03

NuLink monthly report. You can check our progress in March in this article.

Technological progress

In March 2023, the NuLink team continued to work on improving the NuLink Agent. The main work included:

1. Refactoring the code of the agent wallet module, separating the chrome extension mechanism and extracting the SDK.

2. Refactoring the code of the agent pre-process module, separating the chrome extension mechanism and extracting the SDK.

3. Adding request verification and authentication for related interfaces to prepare for release as a third-party library.

4. Adjusting and upgrading some modules and related interface data in the agent background.

5. Providing Q&A and help for users on nulink discord.

Marketing efforts

1. We have tallied the results of our February Crew3 sprint and announced the winners.

2. We have been actively engaging with Key Opinion Leaders to promote our project.

3. We are currently preparing for our April Crew3 sprint campaign, which will focus on educating and entertaining our community.


1.     Media (until 2023.3.31)

Twitter Followers 11432

Discord Subscribers 18392

Telegram English 3947

Telegram Chinese 1149

Telegram Vietnamese 1001

Team NuLink
Monthly Report

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